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2 replies on “enter our ‘handcrafted modern’ giveaway

  1. This book is a fantastic idea. I’ve always been so moved by the way Ray and Charles Eames really “lived” in their homes. They had crap EVERYWHERE—but “cool” crap! And somehow because of their home design, it had a way of feeling both cluttered and tidy. As an artist influenced by mid-century modernism, the hand-crafted look seemed to have lost potency over the years. I’m thrilled to see others embracing that aspect. Obviously the movement has grown tremendously.

  2. Hi Timothy. It is great to be able to see how these creative people are REALLY living. If you’d like to be entered in the giveaway, be sure to go to Facebook and write a comment; even just “I want Handcrafted Modern”. http://www.facebook.com/theimprovisedlife

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