sign written on the sidewalk, and amended

Dig this amended sign we found on the charming blog Magical and Otherwise, and it’s spot-on commentary:

Loving that someone added to the original message by simply adding a “not”.

Serendipitously, there was easy space provided for this and the original message left reads undamaged with the additional commentary.

As we beings are, both perfect and imperfect all at once…

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‘the imperfect is our paradise’ (wallace stevens)
wabi sabi, the perfection of imperfection
san francisco graffiti turns the sidewalk into a fish pond
why not paint the sidewalk (or any outdoor floor?)
unexpected shift of view (look around!)
post-valentine’s message (be a chalk graffiti guerilla!)

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2 replies on “brilliant graffiti: ‘you are (not) perfect’

  1. my first thought/sense after reading this post was that both “statements” interpreted in
    a certain way could say the same thing….mmmmmm

  2. The same idea as wabi sabi – the Japanese concept that perfection is not attainable in nature, that slight imperfection is preferable and should in fact be cultivated.

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