photo: maria robledo

Just as we were thinking we couldn’t write another thing – didn’t have a clear thought in our head – Maria Robledo sent us this photo of the crazy-beautiful flower she was balancing on her knee as she and floral designer Lindsey Taylor were driving home from a photo shoot.  Somehow, it seemed like a perfect post for the morning.

“I just have to say the order of this amazing specimen floors me” wrote Maria.

“Passiflora caerulea –blue passionflower”  wrote Lindsey, who grew it on her 11th floor terrace in New York City.

Miracle” we thought.

(Wonder who designed it.)

Related posts: color inspirations all around us
flower + vegetables = charming arrangement
freehand, no-rule flower arrangements
making a table garden with cheap potted bulbs
almost vaseless flower arrangementx

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5 replies on “a blue passionflower’s crazy inspiration

  1. Outrageous! Why do we worry about anything when we are faced with this?

  2. sorry, but it is why i believe in “God.”

  3. The passionflower is blooming now at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, attracting honeybees in droves. You could watch them for hours, taking turns diving under the umbrella of stamens that swipe them with pollen. I took one of the flowers home to draw — for who could not be inspired by such wild and crazy morphology — and in less than an hour the whole thing had closed up into a tight little knot, its whirling, carnival structure reduced to a simple budlike form, a calm and yet somewhat alien green.

  4. I have the deep purple kind, such a drama queen! They freeze down every year here, and one year it popped up in the inside wall of and unfinished bathroom, almost no light..and it bloomed! Beyond miracles…definately God!

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