Seth Godin recently reposted In Search of Meaningful, an article he wrote six years ago when the New York Times first instituted their paywall. It’s about what kind of digital content is truly valuable and worth paying for.

He asked three questions to self-test the value of the content you/we are producing or are reading:
—Are you generic?
—Is it for the reader or the search engine?
—Would I/you miss it if it were gone?

He ends with the question every editor and content provider must ask (a good question to ask about just about EVERYTHING):
—Is it meaningful?

Our leap into being subscriber-funded has been fueled by these questions. We ask them daily, with our readers in mind. If anything, we decided to launch our 10-free-articles-pay-for-full-access Friends with Benefits program BECAUSE we are unique, handmade, labor-intensive, not-search-engine-driven, always-slightly-behind-the-curve-on-cutting-edge technology…

…And because we are deeply committed to our readers. We love the interaction with them and how they say Improvised Life impacts their lives. We love our Improvised Life’s philosophy impacts OUR lives.

When you think about whether Improvised Life is worth paying for or not we invite you to ask:

Would I miss it if it were gone?

Is it meaningful?


If the answer is YES, “meaningful” can be had for a mere $1.50 a month.

If you’ve already subscribed, you have our heartfelt thanks.

The New York Times (1940)
The New York Times (1940)

Lucia Christiani’s two-horse backward somersault through a hoop via The New York Times’ Lively Morgue



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One thought on “Seth Godin: Is it Meaningful?

  1. Hi Sally, second time I’ve tried and failed to become a friend with benefits. Tonight pop-up window tells me $18 (or $18.00) is invalid. Will try again soon.

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