Our friend Cara De Silva sent us a link to images of trees growing through concrete, with these words.

…I was startled and grateful when I looked at these beautiful and inspiring photographs.

But not only for the usual reasons. For months now I have been seeing such trees as a metaphor, have been thinking of my embattled-yet-always-persevering self as this kind of tree, always pushing up and out from the concrete, from the New York sidewalks, as though a human version of these determined, no-matter-what, denizens of our city

We TOTALLY “get” what Cara wrote and feel the same way ourselves. In fact, we’ve been exchanging photos of trees growing through boulders, concrete, walls, pianos with a number of friends because we admire and take comfort in their fortitude.  We thought these images from our friend Fast Forward illustrate Cara’s words wonderfully (and first hand). They are not only in New York, like the one in a Harlem park, above, but all over the world…

…upstate New York…

Fast Forward
Fast Forward

…through a wall in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico…

Fast Forward
Fast Forward

…around a fallen tree in Costa Rica…

Fast Forward
Fast Forward

…We can’t help adding to Cara’s metaphor…of encompassing and growing a big spirit as we grow…

Jeffrey Allen Price
Jeffrey Allen Price

….And then, there’s the piano tree:

Fast Forward
Fast Forward

Want more tree inspiration? Check out these images from Cara’s original link.

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9 replies on “Trees Growing Through Obstacles (Like Us)

  1. Beautiful, dear Sally, and thank you for taking it even beyond with the words and images you added to those I sent. My heart is full. My mInd and spirt dancing. All of me engaged. Cara

  2. And what I love even more is the irony in Cara De Silva’s name…all 3 words are directly from Latin..translated either ‘The dear one is from the forest’ or simply ‘From the dear forest’ !!!

  3. Wow, I never thought of that…I’d say it’s totally apt.

  4. I love images like this, of plants growing in what one would think would be impossible places.
    They always remind me of the one line I remember from Jurassic Park: “Life will find a way.”

  5. You’re welcome. “My Valiant Tree” I like that phrase. It would make a good book title. Too bad I don’t enjoy writing.

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